Saturday, February 16, 2008

A guy hit on me

yesterday and he is only 16.

It was in a public speaking workshop I had to cover, so I sat at the table eating lunch and he came and sat next to me.

"What college are you in?" I asked.

"I'm only 16 unfortunately, though I wish I was one of those child geniuses who can do add math when they're 5, but yeah I'm not," he replied.

Then he went on and talked about how he wanted to invent a time machine so that he can go back in time and change things, then he can be the youngest genius in the world. I said he's too old to be the youngest genius.

"Well I have a gift," he said, "the gift is ME."

I kept looking at my lunch, abit stunned, but added "I hope you don't say that to all girls."

He grinned, "But some girls like it," he said. "So anyway, how about you, where are you studying?"

"I'm a journalist," said I.

He stared. And stared. And nearly choked on his food.

"Oh my god."