Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Underworld

I just heard a tape about a guy who got taken down to hell and came back to earth. "23 minutes of hell" is the title.

OK, now before you start getting cynical about whether this is just another proselytising material to scare people to conversion, hear my thoughts. I believe in heaven and hell and angels and demons and bla, I practically grew up with the Charismatic movement and exorcism (yes, people screaming and jumping around and all that), and looking at all the mediums and mysticism going on, there has to be some supernatural world. Perhaps if you grew up in my background, you'll understand. I saw heaven when I was 11, but that's another story altogether.

So anyway, this guy was talking about the stuff he experienced and saw in hell...and I kinda believe it wasn't a nightmare or anything. First of all, it took a year for him to get over the trauma--and hearing his story I can see why. It's absolutely horrifying times a thousand, and even that is an understatement. And secondly, it was described by 400+ verses existing in the Bible already about hell which these people (and I bet most of you) didnt previously know about. Thirdly, which provoked me to think deeply, was how other peoples' experiences of hell that I've heard or read before (and they have no connection with each other) were actually similar. Like, freakingly similar. Then last night by accident I saw some really old paintings on the net (must be like...16th century or something) depicting people in hell, and my gosh, the way it was so similar to all these accounts were quite scary. Right down to the torture method of the demons and how they looked like. And these paintings are not famous, it was some obscure middle east paintings and european paintings.

I was thinking of uploading it but now I cant find the picture. And besides, its *sensitive* material at the moment, I might get bombed for it, heh. Go figure.

But it's certainly food for thought.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
Yup, that is one scary CD describing bout hell. Nevertheless, listening to that CD is a good way to examine my relationship with God. Anyway, I feel that the book Divine Revelation of Hell by Mary K. Baxter is even scarier. It's so much more scary than any ghost book that I've read. Well, when I was young, I love to read all those "cerita hantu(s)" and even watched some VCDs. But none of them really scare me though all of them claimed to be true stories. But if you talk about hell...that's very real...and so is heaven. Hmm...probably I've to listen to that CD again...coz I don wanna end up in the 'wrong place'. Haha

Fikri said...

Certainly is food for thought.

For thoughts of wisdom, that is.

Ha ha. :>
