Friday, March 03, 2006

The Second Shock

Yesterday, it was news of a death. Today, it is news of an engagement.

*! confetti! violins and doves, yadayadayada*

I went out for a late dinner at an Indian 'mamak' with some friends today (it's not a mamak by our standards because it closes 11.30pm, but that's Australia for you).

I got back at nearly midnight, the apartment was still empty. Which is pretty normal for a friday night as I'm usually hanging out with friends and my housemate would be galivanting somewhere with her boyfriend. The rubbish was piling up. Sigh. Thought I'd better clear it and do my bit for apartment cleanliness--these sort of things help in maintaining the harmony, ya know.

So anyway, with my hands clutching rubbish bags, I walked down the stairs just while my housemate and her darling were making their way up.

"Sarah!! Look!"

She thrusted her left fist into my face (not literally, more like...waving her fist) and lo and behold: a big beautiful diamond ring nestled snugly on her slender fingers.

I looked at my rubbish bags, then looked back at her beaming face.

"OH!...congrats!" My mouth was hanging open. Hands still clutching bags. "Wow! congrats congrats!" Looked at her fiance then looked back at her. "Wow, like, congrats!"

It's quite annoying that at times like these, even a communications student such as I are stumped for words. My brains just refused to think of more eloquent praises for the blissful couple.

After a few seconds of repeating 'congrats', I ran out to throw the rubbish while they patiently waited at the door so that I could photograph them together in the apartment.

After the phototaking session, I was busy interviewing them. How did he propose? Where did you go for dinner? Was it a surprise? It was a nice restaurant by the beach, they said, with the view of the sea as the sun set. Candles and wine and music, all the cliched things you can imagine. He wanted to propose over the intercom system, but the restaurant didnt have one. So he took her for a walk and went on his knees on the sand.

Then I asked her the golden question,

"How did you know he was 'the one'?"

And here is the profound answer, take note ladies and gentlemen *drumroll* "You just know."



Superratty@TMY said...

they say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true.

Unknown said...

nice ring...

houng said...

proposing kneeling down.....hmm... i always thought of proposing standing up or sitting down or something, just kind of like normal... maybe with a water bottle (like in 'so close') or something

Fikri said...

There are moments when words seems inadequate to describe how we feel.

I don't think the ring is that big, though. Zoomed all the way in, that's all :> But nice ring regardless.

Sarah/Suan Mei said...

Not the ring, Fikri, the DIAMOND is big :p maybe when the time comes for you to shop for diamonds, you will know how much that will cost hehe!!

Superratty@TMY said...

they say when you meet the love of your life, time stops, and that's true.

Anonymous said...

its not the size of the ring nor the size of the diamond that counts....its the size of the heart that gave the ring that counts most....